Women Micro Enterprise

Women Micro Enterprise (WME)

Training On Government Schemes (Manos Unidas Project)
Training on Government Schemes was held on 20.07.2019 at Our Lady of Victories church campus, Championreefs, KGF. The SHG members formed under Manos Unidas project participated in the program. Fr. Joseph Naveen Kumar, Director, BMSSS welcomed the Resource persons and the participants and addressed the objectives and the progress achieved through Manos Unidas Project….More

• 13 Entrepreneur awareness program (E.A.P) was conducted for beneficiaries to motivate them to start petty – Business.
  489 members Participated in the program.
• Mulbagal – 07 Trainings
• Devanahalli – 03 Trainings
• Bangarpet – 2 Trainings
• Mariapura – 1 Trainings
• 11Entrepreneur awareness program (E.D.P) was organized and 435 people were present for the program.
• 53 SHG groups were graded and 108 auditing was done.

Amount received DateAmount received during 2015-2016No.of SHGNo.of membersRepaymentsBalance
Balance up to March 201511,94,850  11,94,850 

Other Activities

Micro enterprises aim to empower women economically and socially. Through access to finance and support, women are able to increase living standards in poor communities. It is with the support of MISEREOR, and collaboration with KROSS, that BMSSS has implemented this program and is currently providing various financial aids to strengthen SHGs in 7 areas and promote income generating activities.

AIM: The livelihood promotion of the socio- economic conditions of SHG members & their families.

• To improve the economic condition of the women and her family.
• To improve the status of women within the family and the community.
• To positively alter attitude towards life.

During the reporting period April 2011 to March 2012, BMSSS has provided total amount Rs.12, 60, 00 towards income generating activities for 84 members from 69 SHGs. They have started the I.G. activities and are repaying monthly installment as well as contributing income for their family needs.

Women in Micro Enterprises
In collaboration with KROSS, WME (Women in Micro enterprises) programme is implemented in 07 operational areas of BMSSS as part of the ongoing women’s empowerment programme. It aims at providing financial access to SHG women to start viable income generating activities thereby to improve their social and economic condition of their families, within the family and the community at large.

Under this programme, SHG women who are in groups for more than 2 years and whose records of saving and repayment are good will be assessed through grading and auditing exercises, after establishing different para meters for SHG assessment, EDP trainings are conducted on different income generating activities, and marketing feasibilities, business and income assessment etc. After beneficiaries selected desirable and feasible IG activities, loans up to Rs.15000/- per beneficiaries are provided that has to be repaid in 10 equal installments.

During this reporting period, BMSSS has provided total loan amount of Rs. 50,24,000/- for 333 members from 69 SHGs towards different income generating activities. Some of the key Income generating activities are; petty Shop, saree Business , cloth Business, tailoring, vegetable sale, fruit business, rearing goat, sheep, milch animals, silk warm farming, mini hotels, preparing snacks, eatables, embroidery, etc.

Out of 333 entrepreneurs, 70% of them have increased their monthly income up to Rs.1500/- and 30% of them have improved their business opportunities and income upto Rs.2500/- per month. There is 99% repayment from all beneficiaries and regular as well.

AreaSHGsTotal MembersTotal Amount Rs.Total Repayment RsBalance Amount Rs.
City Parish18781115000722000393000